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Raspberry leaves


Scientific name: Folium Rubi ideai

Synonyms: Rasberry leaf 

Family: Rosaceae  

Occurrence of the plant: native to Europe, North America and temperate Asia 

Characteristics: The cut flower is characterized by the leaf pieces, which are slightly hairy on the dark to brown-green upper side and show a dense, silver-grey hair felt and a pinnate veining on the underside.


Use & preparation

Raspberry leaves


For sore throats, diarrhea, stomach inflammation, inflammation of the gums and constipation. Has an easing effect during childbirth. 


Anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, promotes labor

Tea preparation

Pour boiling water over 1.5 g (approx. 2 teaspoons) of raspberry leaves and strain through a tea strainer after 5 minutes. 


Unless otherwise prescribed: Drink 3 to 4 cups of raspberry leaf tea daily.  


Raspberry leaf tea should only be drunk at an advanced stage of pregnancy and should always be discussed with a midwife or doctor! 

Contained in:

Folia Rubi fructicosi conc. (250 g) - PZN 07213489

Folia Rubi fructicosi conc. (500 g) - PZN 02000814

Folia Rubi fructicosi conc. (1000 g) - PZN 02000837

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