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Sage leaves


Scientific name: Salviae officinalis folium      

Synonyms: Garden sage, royal sage     

Family: Lamiaceae      

Occurrence of the plant: Southern and Eastern Europe 

Characteristics: The leaves are oblong-ovoid, densely hairy on both sides and with a finely notched edge. 

Application & preparation

Sage leaves 


Internally: For digestive problems with mild cramps in the gastrointestinal area, feeling of fullness, flatulence, increased sweat secretion. Externally: For inflammation of the mouth and throat mucosa to gargle.     


Antibacterial, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antispasmodic, tonic  

Tea making

1 teaspoon (approx. 1.5 g) full of sage leaves is poured with boiling water (approx. 150 ml) and after about 10 to 15 minutes, if necessary, passed through a tea strainer.   


Unless otherwise prescribed, a cup of tea is drunk three to four times a day.   

Included in:

Sage leaves – PZN: 02081787

Happy moment - PZN 15386376

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